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Data Structures in JavaScript

Hi everyone! In this article we're going to take a look at a key topic when it comes to computer science and software development: data structures. It's definitely a must know topic for anyone working in the software development world, but it can be hard to understand and even a bit intimidating when you're starting out. In this article I'll try to give a simple explanation of data structures, what they are, when are they useful, and how we can implement them using JavaScript. Let's go!

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Mostafa Mohamed

August 2022, 10:27 am

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Node Js

Maybe you are a Node.js developer, JavaScript community veteran, passionate supporter, or generally into modern software development. Or perhaps you want to learn how to be more productive with various tools that successful Node.js professionals are using. Either way, you’ve come to the right place.

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Mostafa Mohamed

August 2022, 7:24 pm

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Articles are more in-depth explanations about concepts covered in Codecademy courses. Here you'll learn more about workflows that developers use every day, and take your coding skills to the next level.

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Mostafa Mohamed

August 2022, 6:47 pm

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Articles are more in-depth explanations of concepts covered in Codecademy courses. Here you'll learn more about workflows that developers use daily, and take your coding skills to the next level.

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Mostafa Mohamed

August 2022, 5:36 pm

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GraphQL's evolution has taught its developers a lot about what's important when designing APIs. Here are a few best practices that they've come up with for GraphQL users and language designers, and a list of general principles for any software developer to follow when building a new product.

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Mostafa Mohamed

August 2022, 8:22 pm

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TypeScript checks a program for errors before execution and does so based on the kinds of values, it’s a static type checker. For example, the last example above has an error because of the type of obj. Here’s the error TypeScript found:

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Mostafa Mohamed

August 2022, 7:09 pm

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Next js

Articles are more in-depth explanations of concepts covered in Codecademy courses. Here you'll learn more about workflows that developers use daily, and take your coding skills to the next level.

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Mostafa Mohamed

August 2022, 5:43 pm

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Design patterns

Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. They are both exciting and fascinating topics to explore in any programming language.

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Mostafa Mohamed

August 2022, 7:41 pm

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Web Development

Articles are more in-depth explanations of concepts covered in Codecademy courses. Here you'll learn more about workflows that developers use daily, and take your coding skills to the next level.

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Mostafa Mohamed

August 2022, 6:59 pm

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Articles are more in-depth explanations of concepts covered in Codecademy courses. Here you'll learn more about workflows that developers use daily, and take your coding skills to the next level.

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Mostafa Mohamed

August 2022, 5:40 pm